How Safe Is IQOS Product In Comparison To Vaping And Smoking?

FDA has authorized IQOS products to be marketed for adult consumers only. According to FDA, the product is not a switch to tobacco products, especially among the young generation. It is approved under modified risk based on PMI’s scientific evidence.

Heated tobacco products [HTP] sale is allowed in the US only for adults. FDA is strict because many teenagers started using e-cigs. IQOS [I Quit Original Smoking] is an electrified device that is portable. Nicotine addicts can inhale tobacco in a low-risk way with IQOS. It works differently than smoking or vaping. 

You can buy IQOS on Remember that all tobacco products are damaging and addictive, so people who have not used tobacco products are advised to stay away from HTPs. The product is not endorsed as FDA-approved or safe even if the toxins generated are less than the combustible cigarettes. 

What’s IQOS?

It is a device that uses tobacco wrapped in a special paper called heat sticks. The heatstick is heated within the IQOS device and nicotine is generated with other tobacco flavors and components for consumers to inhale. 

The odor and taste are different than regular cigarettes that burn tobacco. Even the low-risk aerosol released from HTP device IQOS contains chemicals that have the potential to cause cancer. 

Is IQOS a safe alternative to cigarette smoking?

The heat sticks comprise tobacco, so when heated the aerosol that is released is potentially harmful. However, the risk is low but there. It means IQOS is still not sufficiently safe. There is still no evidence that IQOS harms less in the future. 

FD does not approve risk modification requests but approved exposure modification orders. The PMI Company demonstrated that the IQOS device heats the tobacco but does not combust it. This reduces the release of carcinogens significantly in comparison to cigarette smoke. The toxicology assessment found that IQOS aerosols have significantly low toxic levels that can damage the reproductive and respiratory systems. The FDA discovered that the request supported the necessary consumer understanding findings. 

The bottom line is to completely quit smoking and reduce tobacco inhaling risks. The best way to quit is to use medications, gum, lozenges, and nicotine patches. 

Is IQOS different than e-cigs?

Currently, e-cigs available are devices that deliver nicotine. It is a battery-operated device with an e-liquid and heating element. Unlike e-cigs, the heated liquid is not used to deliver nicotine but the IQOS heats genuine tobacco leaves containing natural toxins and carcinogens. 

E-liquids are available in different flavors and strengths, while IQOS comes in menthol or tobacco flavor. The only way e-cig and IQOS seem the same is both have a battery and don’t burn [combust] tobacco. 

In comparison, IQOS is low risk to a traditional cigarette. No combustion and low tar cigarette need a lot of research to prove their safety level. It is still in its infancy. So, if you are planning to quit tobacco then quit every tobacco product. If you don’t smoke then don’t start. 


By Alaia